Durham County
HomeJunction Road Industrial/Business Park
Project Description
Durham County owns a 59.7 acre tract located at 1117 Junction Road. As outlined in the invitation letter to adjacent property owners, the purpose the meeting was to share plans to modify the Comprehensive Land Use Plan Designation for the 42 acre parcel adjacent to the property currently owned by the County in order to allow the redevelopment of both parcels as an industrial/business park. The 42 acre parcel is currently designated Low Density Residential and Durham County is seeking a designation change to Industrial. This change in designation and purchase of this property will support the County’s plan to develop a low intensity Industrial/Business Park in East Durham. This supports Durham County’s Strategic Plan Goal 1 – “Community and Family Prosperity and Enrichment” through the creation of jobs and fostering a business friendly environment in this generally underserved area.
The County also intends to petition to the City of Durham to rezone the land to Light Industrial and request Annexation into the City’s jurisdiction in order to obtain City Water and Sewer Services. A Traffic Impact Analysis for the development will also be submitted to the City of Durham and NCDOT for review.
It is important to note that Durham County will be holding another informational session prior moving forward with the finalization of the plans submitted to the City/County Planning Department and prior to any public hearing.